Monday, August 31, 2009

What all things one needs to take care of while selling software online?
Thinking of selling a software online !!! Well, there are some things one must think about.
I googled a lot about the issues involved in selling software online. I am listing some important things that I found just to give you an initial idea.

1. If the software is aimed at making money then how to receive the payment? The best option is through PayPal (though there are some others also). One has to have an account with PayPal and they directly provide a link for payments which, one can embed in his/her website. Though it looks like a piece of cake but there are things which one needs to take care of while using PayPal. They charge some commission for each sale. And, PayPal also gives the benefit of money back offer to the buyers which, simply means that the money one has earned by selling the software will be returned back to the buyer. Approximately 10% of such cases are quite normal.

2. Creating trial versions and having a proper mechanism to generate License keys. Hacks and cracks are very normal. Always be ready to see your software becoming a victim of different hacking and cracking ways. Hackers create Keygens which might generate keys for your software. Or a cracked version of your software may be released which does not even require a key.

3. Proper End User License Agreement(EULA). This is very critical. Having a proper License Agreement is a must. It will come to your rescue if someone sues you. It can limit your liability. Without a proper End User License Agreement if someone sues you then you can end up losing all your personal assets.

4. Pricing the software properly and being realistic. The pricing should be reasonable. Too high a price will repel customers and too low a price will make the buyer thins that your software lacks quality. Also, selling the software won't change one's fortune overnight. Proper advertising of the software also does matter

5. Paying the taxes properly on the extra bucks you earn by selling your software. Very Important

Would be nice to see some additions to this list from someone else.

Abhinav Asthana